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Example for Campus Fabric


This example describes and includes all the AVD files used to build a Campus Fabric by building upon the previous L2LS Fabric example. The spine nodes provide L3 routing of SVIs, and the L2 leaf nodes support 802.1x Network Access Control (NAC) with port ranges.

Installation & Requirements

  1. Install AVD - Installation guide found here.
  2. Install Ansible module requirements - Instructions found here.
  3. Run the following playbook to copy the Getting Started examples to your working directory.
# current working directory: ~/ansible-avd-examples
ansible-playbook arista.avd.install_examples

The output will show something similar to the following. If not, please ensure that AVD and all requirements are correctly installed.

 ~/ansible-avd-examples# ansible-playbook arista.avd.install_examples

PLAY [Install Examples]***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Copy all examples to ~/ansible-avd-examples]*****************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

localhost                  : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

After the playbook has run successfully, the following directory structure will be created.

ansible-avd-examples/     (directory where playbook was run)
  ├── campus-fabric/
    ├── documentation/
    ├── group_vars/
    ├── images/
    ├── intended/
    ├── switch-basic-configurations/
    ├── ansible.cfg
    ├── build.yml
    ├── deploy.yml
    ├── inventory.yml
    └── (this document)

If the content of any file in the example is modified and the playbook is run again, the file will not be overwritten. However, if any file in the example is deleted and the playbook is run again, the file will be re-created.

Design Overview

Physical Campus Fabric Topology

In a Campus network, it is common to refer to the location of the switches as MDF (Main Distribution Frame) and IDFs (Independent Distribution Frame). Throughout this example, we refer to the spine nodes as the MDF and the leaf nodes as the IDFs. This example shows various switch types and common ways of cabling the IDF to the MDF.

  • MDF
    • Two Spine nodes
  • IDFs
    • IDF1 supporting 96 users with two leafs (1RU - 48 ports each)
    • IDF2 supporting 240 users with a Modular five slot chassis (48 ports per module)
    • IDF3 supporting 480 users with five leafs (2RU - 96 ports each)

The drawing below shows the physical topology used in this example. The interface assignment shown here are referenced across the entire example, so keep that in mind if this example must be adapted to a different topology.

Figure: 1

Basic EOS Switch Configuration

Basic connectivity between the Ansible controller host and the switches must be established before Ansible can be used to deploy configurations. The following should be configured on all switches:

  • Switch Hostname
  • IP enabled interface
  • Username and Password defined
  • Management eAPI enabled

The management interfaces used by cEOS and vEOS, are Management0 and Management1, respectively. When using actual hardware switches, Management1 is used. The included basic switch configurations may need to be adjusted for your environment.

Below is the basic configuration file for SPINE1:

no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$E4w14C31asEyKhVE$wJc8N0Ao02.ExYCJqjK.fNyq/QXfSMM.eaoRRNAXBzhTEFsO0CMDhTtUCQMm/lg.kDh5U8u74n782N7RwTNXa/
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
service routing protocols model multi-agent
hostname SPINE1
spanning-tree mode mstp
management api http-commands
   no shutdown
management api gnmi
   transport grpc default
management api netconf
   transport ssh default
interface Management0
   ip address
no ip routing
ip route

Ansible Inventory

Now that we understand the physical L2LS topology, we must create the Ansible inventory that represents this topology. The following is a textual and graphical representation of the Ansible inventory group variables and naming scheme used in this example:

- DC1
    - DC1_SPINES
    - DC1_LEAFS
    - DC1_SPINES
    - DC1_LEAFS
    - DC1_SPINES
    - DC1_LEAFS

DC1 represents the highest level within the hierarchy. Ansible variables defined at this level will be applied to all nodes in the fabric. Ansible groups have parent-and-child relationships. For example, both DC1_SPINES and DC1_LEAFS are children of DC1_FABRIC. Groups of Groups are possible and allow variables to be shared at any level within the hierarchy. For example, DC1_NETWORK_SERVICES is a group with two other groups defined as children: DC1_SPINES and DC1_LEAFS. The same applies to the group named DC1_NETWORK_PORTS. You will see these groups listed at the bottom of the inventory file.

This naming convention makes it possible to extend anything quickly and can be changed based on your preferences. The names of all groups and hosts must be unique.

Figure: 2


The below inventory file represents two spines and ten leafs. The nodes are defined under the groups DC1_SPINES and DC1_LEAFS, respectively. We apply group variables (group_vars) to these groups to define their functionality and configurations.

The hostnames specified in the inventory must exist either in DNS or in the hosts file on your Ansible host to allow successful name lookup and be able to reach the switches directly. A successful ping from the Ansible host to each inventory host verifies name resolution (e.g., ping SPINE1).

If DNS is unavailable, define the variable ansible_host as an IP address for each device.

# inventory.yml

Management Network

This example configures a dedicated management network on port Management0 (vrf: MGMT) and an in-band management network using SVI Vlan10 (vrf: default). In-band management is easily configured with two variables under the leaf defaults key in DC1_FABRIC.yml. First, it auto-generates an SVI and default route on each leaf node. Then, on the Spine nodes, it will build a matching SVI for Vlan 10 and create a Virtual-IP ( for the defined subnet.

    inband_mgmt_vlan: 10

Details on this feature can be found here.

Node Management0 Vlan10

In Campus Networks, having a dedicated out-of-band management network in each IDF is uncommon. Therefore, you can easily disable configuring the Management0 interface and the management VRF by adding these variables to the DC1_LEAFS.yml group_vars.

mgmt_gateway: null
mgmt_interface: null
mgmt_interface_vrf: default

If you switch to using in-band management only, update other variables referencing vrf MGMT to use the vrf default.

Build Fabric Topology

AVD Fabric Input Variables

To apply AVD input variables to the nodes in the fabric, we make use of Ansible group_vars. How and where you define the variables is your choice. The group_vars table below is one example of AVD fabric variables.

group_vars/ Description
DC1.yml Global settings for all devices
DC1_FABRIC.yml Fabric, Topology, and Device settings
DC1_SPINES.yml Device type for Spines
DC1_LEAFS.yml Device type for Leafs
DC1_NETWORK_PORTS.yml Port Profiles and Network Port Ranges

The tabs below show the Ansible group_vars used in this example.

At the top level (DC1), the following variables are defined in the group_vars/DC1.yml file. These Ansible variables apply to all nodes in the fabric and is a common place to set AAA, users, NTP, and management interface settings. Update local_users and passwords for your environment.

You can create a sha512_password by creating a username and password on a switch and copy/paste it within double quotes here.

### group_vars/DC1.yml

# local users
  - name: admin
    privilege: 15
    role: network-admin
    sha512_password: "$6$eucN5ngreuExDgwS$"

# AAA Authorization
    default: local

# OOB Management network default gateway.
mgmt_interface: Management0

# dns servers.

# NTP Servers IP or DNS name, first NTP server will be preferred, and sourced from Management VRF
  server_vrf: use_mgmt_interface_vrf
    - name:
    - name:

At the Fabric level (DC1_FABRIC), the following variables are defined in the group_vars/DC1_FABRIC.yml file. The fabric name, design type (l2ls), spine and leaf defaults, ansible authentication, and interface links are defined at this level. Other variables you must supply include spanning-tree mode, priority, and an MLAG IP pool. Typically, an IDF has a unique set of VLANs. You may use the filter.tags variable to constrain which VLANs are built on an IDF node.

Variables applied under the node key type (spine/leaf) defaults section are inherited by nodes under each type. These variables may be overwritten under the node itself.

The spine interface used by a particular leaf is defined from the leaf’s perspective with a variable called uplink_switch_interfaces. For example, LEAF2A has a unique variable uplink_switch_interfaces: [Ethernet49/1, Ethernet49/1] defined. This means that LEAF2A is connected to SPINE1’s Ethernet49/1 and SPINE2’s Ethernet49/1, respectively.

### group_vars/DC1_FABRIC.yml

fabric_name: DC1_FABRIC

# Set Design Type to L2ls
  type: l2ls

# Ansible connectivity definitions
# eAPI connectivity via HTTPS is specified (as opposed to network_cli via SSH)
ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.httpapi
# Specifies that we are indeed using Arista EOS
ansible_network_os: arista.eos.eos
# This user/password must exist on the switches to enable Ansible access
ansible_user: admin
ansible_password: admin
# User escalation (to enter enable mode)
ansible_become: true
ansible_become_method: enable
ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
# Do not try to validate certs
ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false

# Spine Switches
    platform: cEOSLab
    spanning_tree_mode: mstp
    spanning_tree_priority: 4096
    virtual_router_mac_address: 00:1c:73:00:dc:01
    mlag_interfaces: [Ethernet55/1, Ethernet56/1]
    - group: SPINES
        - name: SPINE1
          id: 1
        - name: SPINE2
          id: 2

# IDF - Leaf Switches
    platform: cEOSLab
    spanning_tree_mode: mstp
    spanning_tree_priority: 16384
    inband_mgmt_vlan: 10
    - group: IDF1
      mlag: true
      uplink_interfaces: [Ethernet51]
      mlag_interfaces: [Ethernet53, Ethernet54]
        tags: [ "110", "120", "130" ]
        - name: LEAF1A
          id: 3
          uplink_switches: [SPINE1]
          uplink_switch_interfaces: [Ethernet1]
        - name: LEAF1B
          id: 4
          uplink_switches: [SPINE2]
          uplink_switch_interfaces: [Ethernet1]
    - group: IDF2
      platform: 720XP
      mlag: false
        tags: [ "210", "220", "230" ]
        - name: LEAF2A
          id: 5
          uplink_interfaces: [Ethernet1/1, Ethernet1/3]
          uplink_switches: [SPINE1, SPINE2]
          uplink_switch_interfaces: [Ethernet49/1, Ethernet49/1]
    - group: IDF3_AGG
      mlag: true
      mlag_interfaces: [Ethernet98/3, Ethernet98/4]
      uplink_switches: [SPINE1, SPINE2]
      uplink_interfaces: [Ethernet97/1, Ethernet97/2]
        tags: [ "310", "320", "330" ]
        - name: LEAF3A
          id: 6
          uplink_switch_interfaces: [Ethernet50/1, Ethernet50/1]
        - name: LEAF3B
          id: 7
          uplink_switch_interfaces: [Ethernet51/1, Ethernet51/1]
    - group: IDF3_3C
      mlag: false
      uplink_switches: [LEAF3A, LEAF3B]
      uplink_interfaces: [Ethernet97/1, Ethernet97/2]
        - name: LEAF3C
          id: 8
          uplink_switch_interfaces: [Ethernet97/3, Ethernet97/3]
    - group: IDF3_3D
      mlag: false
      uplink_switches: [LEAF3A, LEAF3B]
      uplink_interfaces: [Ethernet97/1, Ethernet97/2]
        - name: LEAF3D
          id: 9
          uplink_switch_interfaces: [Ethernet97/4, Ethernet97/4]
    - group: IDF3_3E
      mlag: false
      uplink_switches: [LEAF3A, LEAF3B]
      uplink_interfaces: [Ethernet97/1, Ethernet97/2]
        - name: LEAF3E
          id: 10
          uplink_switch_interfaces: [Ethernet98/1, Ethernet98/1]

#### Override for vEOS/cEOS Lab Caveats ####
p2p_uplinks_mtu: 1500

# Underlay Routing Protocol
underlay_routing_protocol: ospf

#### WAN/Core Edge Links ####
    - ip: [, ]
      nodes: [ SPINE1, WAN ]
      interfaces: [ Ethernet52/1, Ethernet1/1 ]
      include_in_underlay_protocol: true
    - ip: [, ]
      nodes: [ SPINE2, WAN ]
      interfaces: [ Ethernet52/1, Ethernet1/1 ]
      include_in_underlay_protocol: true

In an L2LS Campus design, there are two types of spine nodes: spine and l3spine. For a spine node to provide routing of SVIs, we set the type to l3spine.

### group_vars/DC1_SPINES.yml

type: l3spine     # Must be either spine|l3spine

In an L2LS Campus design, we have one type of leaf node: leaf.

### group_vars/DC1_LEAFS.yml

type: leaf     # Must be leaf

You add VLANs and SVIs to the Fabric by updating the group_vars/DC1_NETWORK_SERVICES.yml file. Each VLAN will be given a name and a list of tags. The tags filter the VLAN to specific Leaf Pairs. These variables are applied to the spine and leaf nodes since they are a part of this group.

### group_vars/DC1_NETWORK_SERVICES.yml

  - name: MY_FABRIC
      - name: default
          - id: 110
            name: 'IDF1-Data'
            tags: ["110"]
            enabled: true
              - node: SPINE1
              - node: SPINE2
          - id: 120
            name: 'IDF1-Voice'
            tags: ["120"]
            enabled: true
              - node: SPINE1
              - node: SPINE2
          - id: 130
            name: 'IDF1-Guest'
            tags: ["130"]
            enabled: true
              - node: SPINE1
              - node: SPINE2
          - id: 210
            name: 'IDF2-Data'
            tags: ["210"]
            enabled: true
              - node: SPINE1
              - node: SPINE2
          - id: 220
            name: 'IDF2-Voice'
            tags: ["220"]
            enabled: true
              - node: SPINE1
              - node: SPINE2
          - id: 230
            name: 'IDF2-Guest'
            tags: ["230"]
            enabled: true
              - node: SPINE1
              - node: SPINE2
          - id: 310
            name: 'IDF3-Data'
            tags: ["310"]
            enabled: true
              - node: SPINE1
              - node: SPINE2
          - id: 320
            name: 'IDF3-Voice'
            tags: ["320"]
            enabled: true
              - node: SPINE1
              - node: SPINE2
          - id: 330
            name: 'IDF3-Guest'
            tags: ["330"]
            enabled: true
              - node: SPINE1
              - node: SPINE2

Our fabric would not be complete without connecting some devices to it. Therefore, we define port profiles and network port ranges in the group_vars/DC1_NETWORKS_PORTS.yml file. A single port_profile may be used across several switches and port ranges. In our example, we create a port profile called PP-DOT1X to define generic 802.1x (NAC) settings we wish to apply to a range of ports. The network_ports data model defines which switches and ports to apply the port profile. This data model allows a single regex statement to define a list of switches. In addition, the variable switch_ports expands into a range of ports. You can view more details of the range_expand filter here. These variables are applied to the spine and leaf nodes since they are a part of this inventory group.

### group_vars/DC1_NETWORK_PORTS.yml

  - profile: PP-DOT1X
    mode: "trunk phone"
    spanning_tree_portfast: edge
    spanning_tree_bpduguard: enabled
      priority: critical
        action: maintain
        action: maintain
        action: power-off
        class: 4
      port_control: auto
      reauthentication: true
        mode: authenticator
        mode: multi-host
        multi_host_authenticated: true
        enabled: true
        reauth_period: server
        tx_period: 3
      reauthorization_request_limit: 3


# ---------------- IDF1 ----------------

  - switches:
      - LEAF1[AB] # regex match LEAF1A & LEAF1B
      - Ethernet1-48
    description: IDF1 Standard Port
    profile: PP-DOT1X
    native_vlan: 110
        trunk: untagged
        vlan: 120
        action: allow
        allow_vlan: 130

# ---------------- IDF2 ----------------

  - switches:
      - LEAF2A
      - Ethernet3-7/1-48
    description: IDF2 Standard Port
    profile: PP-DOT1X
    native_vlan: 210
        trunk: untagged
        vlan: 220
        action: allow
        allow_vlan: 230

# ---------------- IDF3 ----------------

  - switches:
      - LEAF3[ABCDE] # regex match LEAF3A, LEAF3B, LEAF3C, LEAF3D, LEAF3E
      - Ethernet1-96
    description: IDF3 Standard Port
    profile: PP-DOT1X
    native_vlan: 310
        trunk: untagged
        vlan: 320
        action: allow
        allow_vlan: 330

Network Services

The Network Services data model is stored in the DC1_NETWORK_SERVICES group_var tab above. Each IDF will have three unique VLANs to support Data, Voice, and Guest networks. The spine nodes will provide routing for these VLANs via locally assigned SVIs.

VLAN/IP Subnet Assignment

IDF Data Voice Guest
IDF1 110 - ( 120 - ( 130 - (
IDF2 210 - ( 220 - ( 230 - (
IDF3 310 - ( 320 - ( 330 - (

Port Profiles and Network Ports

AVD provides a way to standardize and reuse port profiles through a compact data model you can utilize across the network. The Network Ports data model is stored in the DC1_NETWORK_PORTS group_vars tab above. Each port is configured to support NAC and dynamically assigns the proper VLAN based on 802.1x authentication. Multiple device types (IP Phones, Workstations, Printers, Access Points, etc.) can share the same port configuration below.

Figure: 3

The above sample port configuration is easily produced with port_profiles and network_ports data models. Each port has similar configuration items defined in port_profiles, while network_ports defines which switches and port ranges are to be applied. The network_ports data model allows regex to match switches and an expand_range filter to cover a range of ports. For details, see the documentation for port_profiles and network_ports.

WAN/Core Edge

Lastly, we need to provide a way for traffic to exit the Campus Fabric via the WAN/Core Edge. This is easily accomplished using underlay_routing_protocol and core_interfaces to create point-to-point IP links to the WAN/Core and enable a routing protocol such as OSPF. This simple data model below is located at the bottom of the group_vars/DC1_FABRIC.yml file.

# Underlay Routing Protocol
underlay_routing_protocol: ospf

#### WAN/Core Edge Links ####
    - ip: [, ]
      nodes: [ SPINE1, WAN ]
      interfaces: [ Ethernet52/1, Ethernet1/1 ]
      include_in_underlay_protocol: true
    - ip: [, ]
      nodes: [ SPINE2, WAN ]
      interfaces: [ Ethernet52/1, Ethernet1/1 ]
      include_in_underlay_protocol: true

Deploy Fabric

The Playbooks

Now that we have defined all of our Ansible variables (AVD inputs), it is time to generate some configurations. To make things simple, we provide two playbooks. One playbook will allow you to build and view EOS CLI intended configurations per device. The second playbook has an additional task to deploy the configurations to your switches. The playbooks are provided in the tabs below. The playbook is straightforward as it imports two AVD roles: eos_designs and eos_cli_config_gen, which do all the heavy lifting. Combining these two roles produces recommended configurations that follow Arista Design Guides.

# build.yml

- name: Build Configs
  hosts: DC1_FABRIC
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Generate AVD Structured Configurations and Fabric Documentation
        name: arista.avd.eos_designs

    - name: Generate Device Configurations and Documentation
        name: arista.avd.eos_cli_config_gen
# deploy.yml

- name: Build and Deploy Configs
  hosts: DC1_FABRIC
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Generate AVD Structured Configurations and Fabric Documentation
        name: arista.avd.eos_designs

    - name: Generate Device Configurations and Documentation
        name: arista.avd.eos_cli_config_gen

    - name: Deploy Configurations to Devices
        name: arista.avd.eos_config_deploy_eapi

Playbook Run

To build the configuration files, run the playbook called build.yml.

### Build configurations
ansible-playbook build.yml

After the playbook run finishes, EOS CLI intended configuration files were written to intended/configs.

To build and deploy the configurations to your switches, run the playbook called deploy.yml. This assumes that your Ansible host has access and authentication rights to the switches. In this example, we defined the authentication variables in the DC1_FABRIC.yml file.

### Build configurations & Push Configs to switches
ansible-playbook deploy.yml

EOS Intended Configurations

Your configuration files should be similar to these.

vlan internal order ascending range 1006 1199
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
service routing protocols model multi-agent
hostname SPINE1
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ntp local-interface vrf MGMT Management0
ntp server vrf MGMT
ntp server vrf MGMT prefer
spanning-tree mode mstp
no spanning-tree vlan-id 4093-4094
spanning-tree mst 0 priority 4096
aaa authorization exec default local
no enable password
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$eucN5ngreuExDgwS$
vlan 10
vlan 110
   name IDF1-Data
vlan 120
   name IDF1-Voice
vlan 130
   name IDF1-Guest
vlan 210
   name IDF2-Data
vlan 220
   name IDF2-Voice
vlan 230
   name IDF2-Guest
vlan 310
   name IDF3-Data
vlan 320
   name IDF3-Voice
vlan 330
   name IDF3-Guest
vlan 4093
   name LEAF_PEER_L3
   trunk group LEAF_PEER_L3
vlan 4094
   name MLAG_PEER
   trunk group MLAG
vrf instance MGMT
interface Port-Channel1
   description IDF1_Po51
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,110,120,130
   switchport mode trunk
   mlag 1
interface Port-Channel491
   description LEAF2A_Po11
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,210,220,230
   switchport mode trunk
   mlag 491
interface Port-Channel501
   description IDF3_AGG_Po971
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,310,320,330
   switchport mode trunk
   mlag 501
interface Port-Channel551
   description MLAG_PEER_SPINE2_Po551
   no shutdown
   switchport mode trunk
   switchport trunk group LEAF_PEER_L3
   switchport trunk group MLAG
interface Ethernet1
   description LEAF1A_Ethernet51
   no shutdown
   channel-group 1 mode active
interface Ethernet49/1
   description LEAF2A_Ethernet1/1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 491 mode active
interface Ethernet50/1
   description LEAF3A_Ethernet97/1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 501 mode active
interface Ethernet51/1
   description LEAF3B_Ethernet97/1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 501 mode active
interface Ethernet52/1
   description P2P_LINK_TO_WAN_Ethernet1/1
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   no switchport
   ip address
   ip ospf network point-to-point
   ip ospf area
interface Ethernet55/1
   description MLAG_PEER_SPINE2_Ethernet55/1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 551 mode active
interface Ethernet56/1
   description MLAG_PEER_SPINE2_Ethernet56/1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 551 mode active
interface Loopback0
   description Router_ID
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip ospf area
interface Management0
   description oob_management
   no shutdown
   vrf MGMT
   ip address
interface Vlan10
   description Inband Management
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   ip address
   ip attached-host route export 19
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan110
   description IDF1-Data
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan120
   description IDF1-Voice
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan130
   description IDF1-Guest
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan210
   description IDF2-Data
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan220
   description IDF2-Voice
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan230
   description IDF2-Guest
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan310
   description IDF3-Data
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan320
   description IDF3-Voice
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan330
   description IDF3-Guest
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan4093
   description MLAG_PEER_L3_PEERING
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   ip address
   ip ospf network point-to-point
   ip ospf area
interface Vlan4094
   description MLAG_PEER
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   no autostate
   ip address
ip virtual-router mac-address 00:1c:73:00:dc:01
ip routing
no ip routing vrf MGMT
mlag configuration
   domain-id SPINES
   local-interface Vlan4094
   peer-link Port-Channel551
   reload-delay mlag 300
   reload-delay non-mlag 330
ip route vrf MGMT
router ospf 100
   passive-interface default
   no passive-interface Vlan4093
   no passive-interface Ethernet52/1
   max-lsa 12000
   redistribute connected
management api http-commands
   protocol https
   no shutdown
   vrf MGMT
      no shutdown
vlan internal order ascending range 1006 1199
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
service routing protocols model multi-agent
hostname SPINE2
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ntp local-interface vrf MGMT Management0
ntp server vrf MGMT
ntp server vrf MGMT prefer
spanning-tree mode mstp
no spanning-tree vlan-id 4093-4094
spanning-tree mst 0 priority 4096
aaa authorization exec default local
no enable password
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$eucN5ngreuExDgwS$
vlan 10
vlan 110
   name IDF1-Data
vlan 120
   name IDF1-Voice
vlan 130
   name IDF1-Guest
vlan 210
   name IDF2-Data
vlan 220
   name IDF2-Voice
vlan 230
   name IDF2-Guest
vlan 310
   name IDF3-Data
vlan 320
   name IDF3-Voice
vlan 330
   name IDF3-Guest
vlan 4093
   name LEAF_PEER_L3
   trunk group LEAF_PEER_L3
vlan 4094
   name MLAG_PEER
   trunk group MLAG
vrf instance MGMT
interface Port-Channel1
   description IDF1_Po51
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,110,120,130
   switchport mode trunk
   mlag 1
interface Port-Channel491
   description LEAF2A_Po11
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,210,220,230
   switchport mode trunk
   mlag 491
interface Port-Channel501
   description IDF3_AGG_Po971
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,310,320,330
   switchport mode trunk
   mlag 501
interface Port-Channel551
   description MLAG_PEER_SPINE1_Po551
   no shutdown
   switchport mode trunk
   switchport trunk group LEAF_PEER_L3
   switchport trunk group MLAG
interface Ethernet1
   description LEAF1B_Ethernet51
   no shutdown
   channel-group 1 mode active
interface Ethernet49/1
   description LEAF2A_Ethernet1/3
   no shutdown
   channel-group 491 mode active
interface Ethernet50/1
   description LEAF3A_Ethernet97/2
   no shutdown
   channel-group 501 mode active
interface Ethernet51/1
   description LEAF3B_Ethernet97/2
   no shutdown
   channel-group 501 mode active
interface Ethernet52/1
   description P2P_LINK_TO_WAN_Ethernet1/1
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   no switchport
   ip address
   ip ospf network point-to-point
   ip ospf area
interface Ethernet55/1
   description MLAG_PEER_SPINE1_Ethernet55/1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 551 mode active
interface Ethernet56/1
   description MLAG_PEER_SPINE1_Ethernet56/1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 551 mode active
interface Loopback0
   description Router_ID
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip ospf area
interface Management0
   description oob_management
   no shutdown
   vrf MGMT
   ip address
interface Vlan10
   description Inband Management
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   ip address
   ip attached-host route export 19
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan110
   description IDF1-Data
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan120
   description IDF1-Voice
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan130
   description IDF1-Guest
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan210
   description IDF2-Data
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan220
   description IDF2-Voice
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan230
   description IDF2-Guest
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan310
   description IDF3-Data
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan320
   description IDF3-Voice
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan330
   description IDF3-Guest
   no shutdown
   ip address
   ip virtual-router address
interface Vlan4093
   description MLAG_PEER_L3_PEERING
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   ip address
   ip ospf network point-to-point
   ip ospf area
interface Vlan4094
   description MLAG_PEER
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   no autostate
   ip address
ip virtual-router mac-address 00:1c:73:00:dc:01
ip routing
no ip routing vrf MGMT
mlag configuration
   domain-id SPINES
   local-interface Vlan4094
   peer-link Port-Channel551
   reload-delay mlag 300
   reload-delay non-mlag 330
ip route vrf MGMT
router ospf 100
   passive-interface default
   no passive-interface Vlan4093
   no passive-interface Ethernet52/1
   max-lsa 12000
   redistribute connected
management api http-commands
   protocol https
   no shutdown
   vrf MGMT
      no shutdown
vlan internal order ascending range 1006 1199
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
service routing protocols model multi-agent
hostname LEAF1A
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ntp local-interface vrf MGMT Management0
ntp server vrf MGMT
ntp server vrf MGMT prefer
spanning-tree mode mstp
no spanning-tree vlan-id 4094
spanning-tree mst 0 priority 16384
aaa authorization exec default local
no enable password
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$eucN5ngreuExDgwS$
vlan 10
vlan 110
   name IDF1-Data
vlan 120
   name IDF1-Voice
vlan 130
   name IDF1-Guest
vlan 4094
   name MLAG_PEER
   trunk group MLAG
vrf instance MGMT
interface Port-Channel51
   description SPINES_Po1
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,110,120,130
   switchport mode trunk
   mlag 51
interface Port-Channel53
   description MLAG_PEER_LEAF1B_Po53
   no shutdown
   switchport mode trunk
   switchport trunk group MLAG
interface Ethernet1
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet2
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet5
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet6
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet7
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet8
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet9
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet10
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet11
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet12
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet13
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet14
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet15
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet16
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet17
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet18
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet19
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet20
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet21
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet22
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet23
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet24
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet25
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet26
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet27
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet28
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet29
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet30
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet31
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet32
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet33
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet34
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet35
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet36
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet37
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet38
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet39
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet40
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet41
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet42
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet43
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet44
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet45
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet46
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet47
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet48
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet51
   description SPINE1_Ethernet1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 51 mode active
interface Ethernet53
   description MLAG_PEER_LEAF1B_Ethernet53
   no shutdown
   channel-group 53 mode active
interface Ethernet54
   description MLAG_PEER_LEAF1B_Ethernet54
   no shutdown
   channel-group 53 mode active
interface Management0
   description oob_management
   no shutdown
   vrf MGMT
   ip address
interface Vlan10
   description Inband Management
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   ip address
interface Vlan4094
   description MLAG_PEER
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   no autostate
   ip address
no ip routing vrf MGMT
mlag configuration
   domain-id IDF1
   local-interface Vlan4094
   peer-link Port-Channel53
   reload-delay mlag 300
   reload-delay non-mlag 330
ip route vrf MGMT
ip route
management api http-commands
   protocol https
   no shutdown
   vrf MGMT
      no shutdown
vlan internal order ascending range 1006 1199
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
service routing protocols model multi-agent
hostname LEAF1B
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ntp local-interface vrf MGMT Management0
ntp server vrf MGMT
ntp server vrf MGMT prefer
spanning-tree mode mstp
no spanning-tree vlan-id 4094
spanning-tree mst 0 priority 16384
aaa authorization exec default local
no enable password
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$eucN5ngreuExDgwS$
vlan 10
vlan 110
   name IDF1-Data
vlan 120
   name IDF1-Voice
vlan 130
   name IDF1-Guest
vlan 4094
   name MLAG_PEER
   trunk group MLAG
vrf instance MGMT
interface Port-Channel51
   description SPINES_Po1
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,110,120,130
   switchport mode trunk
   mlag 51
interface Port-Channel53
   description MLAG_PEER_LEAF1A_Po53
   no shutdown
   switchport mode trunk
   switchport trunk group MLAG
interface Ethernet1
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet2
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet5
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet6
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet7
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet8
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet9
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet10
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet11
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet12
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet13
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet14
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet15
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet16
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet17
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet18
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet19
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet20
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet21
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet22
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet23
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet24
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet25
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet26
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet27
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet28
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet29
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet30
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet31
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet32
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet33
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet34
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet35
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet36
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet37
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet38
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet39
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet40
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet41
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet42
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet43
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet44
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet45
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet46
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet47
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet48
   description IDF1 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 110
   switchport phone vlan 120
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 130
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet51
   description SPINE2_Ethernet1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 51 mode active
interface Ethernet53
   description MLAG_PEER_LEAF1A_Ethernet53
   no shutdown
   channel-group 53 mode active
interface Ethernet54
   description MLAG_PEER_LEAF1A_Ethernet54
   no shutdown
   channel-group 53 mode active
interface Management0
   description oob_management
   no shutdown
   vrf MGMT
   ip address
interface Vlan10
   description Inband Management
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   ip address
interface Vlan4094
   description MLAG_PEER
   no shutdown
   mtu 1500
   no autostate
   ip address
no ip routing vrf MGMT
mlag configuration
   domain-id IDF1
   local-interface Vlan4094
   peer-link Port-Channel53
   reload-delay mlag 300
   reload-delay non-mlag 330
ip route vrf MGMT
ip route
management api http-commands
   protocol https
   no shutdown
   vrf MGMT
      no shutdown
vlan internal order ascending range 1006 1199
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
service routing protocols model multi-agent
hostname LEAF2A
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ip name-server vrf MGMT
ntp local-interface vrf MGMT Management0
ntp server vrf MGMT
ntp server vrf MGMT prefer
spanning-tree mode mstp
spanning-tree mst 0 priority 16384
aaa authorization exec default local
no enable password
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$eucN5ngreuExDgwS$
vlan 10
vlan 210
   name IDF2-Data
vlan 220
   name IDF2-Voice
vlan 230
   name IDF2-Guest
vrf instance MGMT
interface Port-Channel11
   description SPINES_Po491
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,210,220,230
   switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1/1
   description SPINE1_Ethernet49/1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 11 mode active
interface Ethernet1/3
   description SPINE2_Ethernet49/1
   no shutdown
   channel-group 11 mode active
interface Ethernet3/1
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/2
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/3
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/4
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/5
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/6
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/7
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/8
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/9
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/10
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/11
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/12
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/13
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/14
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/15
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/16
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/17
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/18
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/19
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/20
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/21
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/22
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/23
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/24
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/25
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/26
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/27
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/28
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/29
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/30
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/31
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/32
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/33
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/34
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/35
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/36
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/37
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/38
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/39
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/40
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/41
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/42
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/43
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/44
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/45
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/46
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/47
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet3/48
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/1
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/2
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/3
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/4
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/5
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/6
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/7
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/8
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/9
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/10
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/11
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/12
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/13
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/14
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/15
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/16
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/17
   description IDF2 Standard Port
   no shutdown
   switchport trunk native vlan 210
   switchport phone vlan 220
   switchport phone trunk untagged
   switchport mode trunk phone
   dot1x pae authenticator
   dot1x authentication failure action traffic allow vlan 230
   dot1x reauthentication
   dot1x port-control auto
   dot1x host-mode multi-host authenticated
   dot1x mac based authentication
   dot1x timeout tx-period 3
   dot1x timeout reauth-period server
   dot1x reauthorization request limit 3
   poe priority critical
   poe reboot action maintain
   poe link down action maintain
   poe shutdown action power-off
   poe limit 30.00 watts
   spanning-tree portfast
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface Ethernet4/18
   description IDF2