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Always use the FQCN (Fully Qualified Collection Name) arista.avd.eos_designs_facts when using this plugin.

Set eos_designs facts


The arista.avd.eos_designs_facts module is an Ansible Action Plugin providing the following capabilities:

  • Set avd_switch_facts fact containing both switch facts per host.
  • Set avd_topology_peers fact containing list of downlink switches per host. This list is built based on the uplink_switches from all other hosts.
  • Set avd_overlay_peers fact containing list of EVPN or MPLS overlay peers per host. This list is built based on the evpn_route_servers and mpls_route_reflectors from all other hosts.

The plugin is designed to run_once. With this, Ansible will set the same facts on all devices, so all devices can lookup values of any other device without using the slower hostvars.

The facts can also be copied to the "root" switch in a task run per-device (see example below)

The module is used in arista.avd.eos_designs to set facts for devices, which are then used by jinja templates and python module in arista.avd.eos_designs to generate the structured_configuration.


Argument Type Required Default Value Restrictions Description
template_output bool False None If true, the output data will be run through another jinja2 rendering before returning. This is to resolve any input values with inline jinja using variables/facts set by the input templates.
validation_mode str False error Valid values:
- error
- warning
Run validation in either "error" or "warning" mode.
Validation will validate the input variables according to the schema.
During validation, messages will be generated with information about the host(s) and key(s) which failed validation.
validation_mode:error will produce error messages and fail the task.
validation_mode:warning will produce warning messages.
cprofile_file str False None Filename for storing cprofile data used to debug performance issues.
Running cprofile will slow down performance in it self, so only set this while troubleshooting.


- name: Set eos_designs facts
    schema_id: eos_designs
  check_mode: False
  run_once: True

- name: Set eos_designs facts per device
    switch: "{{ avd_switch_facts[inventory_hostname].switch }}"
  delegate_to: localhost
  changed_when: false


  • Arista Ansible Team (@aristanetworks)