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PyAVD is a python package providing some of the features from the arista.avd Ansible collection without requiring Ansible. PyAVD leverages the same logic as the Ansible collection, so the generated outputs should be exactly the same based on the same inputs.

PyAVD does not provide any inventory or variable management, so PyAVD cannot replace a full Ansible based solution by itself. PyAVD could serve as an element in larger framework.

Supported features:

  • Validation of inputs based on the eos_designs input schema.
  • Generation of “avd_facts” and “structured config” to be used in other PyAVD functions.
  • Validation of “structured config” based on the eos_cli_config_gen input schema.
  • Generation of device configuration.
  • Generation of device documentation.

Feedback is very welcome. Please use GitHub discussions.

Functions overview

Arista AVD Overview Arista AVD Overview

Known limitations


Input data and “structured_configs” will be in-place updated by various PyAVD functions. Make sure to deep copy the data first if modifications are not allowed.


get_device_structured_config(), get_device_config() and get_device_doc() are not thread-safe, so avoid running them for the same device across multiple threads.


  • No support for inline Jinja2 or custom Jinja2 templates.
  • The logic uses the hostname as the unique identifier for each device, so overlapping hostnames will not work.
  • For get_avd_facts(), fabric_name is not used or verified and may differ between devices. All devices in the given inputs will be treated as one fabric.
  • hostname must be set in “structured_config” for each device. hostname will be set correctly when using get_structured_config().



Subject to change. No commitments implied.

  • Add examples
  • Add more tests (current coverage is 85%)
  • Add network state validation similar to eos_validate_state.
  • Add CloudVision tag integrations
  • Make PyAVD the source of AVD logic and use as a dependency for the arista.avd Ansible collection.
  • Explore support for custom Jinja2 templates.


Install the pyavd Python package:

pip install pyavd

Python dependencies are automatically installed with above command.

Optional requirements

To install Ansible AVD collection additional Python requirements install with extra ansible:

pip install pyavd[ansible]



Validate input variables according to the eos_designs schema as documented on

Where supported by the schema, types will be auto type-converted like from “int” to “str”.


Name Type Description Default
inputs dict

Dictionary with inputs for “eos_designs”.



Type Description

Validation result object with any validation errors or deprecation warnings.

Source code in python-avd/pyavd/
def validate_inputs(inputs: dict) -> ValidationResult:
    Validate input variables according to the `eos_designs` schema as documented on

    Where supported by the schema, types will be auto type-converted like from "int" to "str".

        inputs: Dictionary with inputs for "eos_designs".

        Validation result object with any validation errors or deprecation warnings.
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    from ._eos_designs.shared_utils import SharedUtils
    from .avd_schema_tools import AvdSchemaTools
    from .constants import EOS_DESIGNS_SCHEMA_ID

    # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel
    # Initialize a global instance of eos_designs_schema_tools
    global eos_designs_schema_tools
    if eos_designs_schema_tools is None:
        eos_designs_schema_tools = AvdSchemaTools(schema_id=EOS_DESIGNS_SCHEMA_ID)

    # Initialize SharedUtils class to fetch default variables below.
    shared_utils = SharedUtils(hostvars=inputs, templar=None)

    # Insert dynamic keys into the input data if not set.
    # These keys are required by the schema, but the default values are set inside shared_utils.
    inputs.setdefault("node_type_keys", shared_utils.node_type_keys)
    inputs.setdefault("connected_endpoints_keys", shared_utils.connected_endpoints_keys)
    inputs.setdefault("network_services_keys", shared_utils.network_services_keys)

    # Inplace conversion of data
    deprecation_warnings = eos_designs_schema_tools.convert_data(inputs)

    # Validate input data
    validation_result = eos_designs_schema_tools.validate_data(inputs)
    return validation_result


Build avd_facts using the AVD eos_designs_facts logic.

Variables should be converted and validated according to AVD eos_designs schema first using pyavd.validate_inputs.

Note! No support for inline templating or jinja templates for descriptions or ip addressing


Name Type Description Default
all_inputs dict[str, dict]

A dictionary where keys are hostnames and values are dictionaries of input variables per device.

    "<hostname1>": dict,
    "<hostname2>": dict,



Type Description
dict[str, dict]

Nested dictionary with various internal “facts”. The full dict must be given as argument to pyavd.get_device_structured_config:

    "avd_switch_facts": dict,
    "avd_overlay_peers": dict,
    "avd_topology_peers" : dict

Source code in python-avd/pyavd/
def get_avd_facts(all_inputs: dict[str, dict]) -> dict[str, dict]:
    Build avd_facts using the AVD eos_designs_facts logic.

    Variables should be converted and validated according to AVD `eos_designs` schema first using `pyavd.validate_inputs`.

    Note! No support for inline templating or jinja templates for descriptions or ip addressing

        all_inputs: A dictionary where keys are hostnames and values are dictionaries of input variables per device.
                "<hostname1>": dict,
                "<hostname2>": dict,

        Nested dictionary with various internal "facts". The full dict must be given as argument to `pyavd.get_device_structured_config`:
                "avd_switch_facts": dict,
                "avd_overlay_peers": dict,
                "avd_topology_peers" : dict

    avd_switch_facts_instances = _create_avd_switch_facts_instances(all_inputs)
    avd_switch_facts = _render_avd_switch_facts(avd_switch_facts_instances)
    avd_overlay_peers, avd_topology_peers = _render_peer_facts(avd_switch_facts)

    return {
        "avd_switch_facts": avd_switch_facts,
        "avd_overlay_peers": avd_overlay_peers,
        "avd_topology_peers": avd_topology_peers,

get_device_structured_config(hostname, inputs, avd_facts)

Build and return the AVD structured configuration for one device.


Name Type Description Default
hostname str

Hostname of device.

inputs dict

Dictionary with inputs for “eos_designs”. Variables should be converted and validated according to AVD eos_designs schema first using pyavd.validate_inputs.

avd_facts dict

Dictionary of avd_facts as returned from pyavd.get_avd_facts.



Type Description

Device Structured Configuration as a dictionary

Source code in python-avd/pyavd/
def get_device_structured_config(hostname: str, inputs: dict, avd_facts: dict) -> dict:
    Build and return the AVD structured configuration for one device.

        hostname: Hostname of device.
        inputs: Dictionary with inputs for "eos_designs".
            Variables should be converted and validated according to AVD `eos_designs` schema first using `pyavd.validate_inputs`.
        avd_facts: Dictionary of avd_facts as returned from `pyavd.get_avd_facts`.

        Device Structured Configuration as a dictionary
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    from ._eos_designs.structured_config import get_structured_config
    from ._errors import AristaAvdError
    from .avd_schema_tools import AvdSchemaTools
    from .constants import EOS_CLI_CONFIG_GEN_SCHEMA_ID

    # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel
    # Set 'inventory_hostname' on the input hostvars, to keep compatibility with Ansible focused code.
    # Also map in avd_facts without touching the hostvars
    mapped_hostvars = ChainMap(
            "inventory_hostname": hostname,
            "switch": avd_facts["avd_switch_facts"][hostname]["switch"],

    # We do not validate input variables in this stage (done in "validate_inputs")
    # So we feed the vendored code an empty schema to avoid failures.
    input_schema_tools = AvdSchemaTools(schema={})
    output_schema_tools = AvdSchemaTools(schema_id=EOS_CLI_CONFIG_GEN_SCHEMA_ID)
    result = {}
    structured_config = get_structured_config(
    if result.get("failed"):
        raise AristaAvdError(f"{[str(error) for error in result['errors']]}")

    return structured_config


Validate structured config according the eos_cli_config_gen schema as documented on

Where supported by the schema, types will be auto type-converted like from “int” to “str”.


Name Type Description Default
structured_config dict

Dictionary with structured configuration.



Type Description

Validation result object with any validation errors or deprecation warnings.

Source code in python-avd/pyavd/
def validate_structured_config(structured_config: dict) -> ValidationResult:
    Validate structured config according the `eos_cli_config_gen` schema as documented on

    Where supported by the schema, types will be auto type-converted like from "int" to "str".

        structured_config: Dictionary with structured configuration.

        Validation result object with any validation errors or deprecation warnings.
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    from .avd_schema_tools import AvdSchemaTools
    from .constants import EOS_CLI_CONFIG_GEN_SCHEMA_ID

    # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel
    # Initialize a global instance of eos_cli_config_gen_schema_tools
    global eos_cli_config_gen_schema_tools
    if eos_cli_config_gen_schema_tools is None:
        eos_cli_config_gen_schema_tools = AvdSchemaTools(schema_id=EOS_CLI_CONFIG_GEN_SCHEMA_ID)

    # Inplace conversion of data
    deprecation_warnings = eos_cli_config_gen_schema_tools.convert_data(structured_config)

    # Validate input data
    validation_result = eos_cli_config_gen_schema_tools.validate_data(structured_config)
    return validation_result


Render and return the device configuration using AVD eos_cli_config_gen templates.


Name Type Description Default
structured_config dict

Dictionary with structured configuration. Variables should be converted and validated according to AVD eos_cli_config_gen schema first using pyavd.validate_structured_config.



Type Description

Device configuration in EOS CLI format.

Source code in python-avd/pyavd/
def get_device_config(structured_config: dict) -> str:
    Render and return the device configuration using AVD eos_cli_config_gen templates.

        structured_config: Dictionary with structured configuration.
            Variables should be converted and validated according to AVD `eos_cli_config_gen` schema first using `pyavd.validate_structured_config`.

        Device configuration in EOS CLI format.
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    from .constants import JINJA2_CONFIG_TEMPLATE
    from .templater import Templar

    # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel

    templar = Templar()
    return templar.render_template_from_file(JINJA2_CONFIG_TEMPLATE, structured_config)

get_device_doc(structured_config, add_md_toc=False)

Render and return the device documentation using AVD eos_cli_config_gen templates.


Name Type Description Default
structured_config dict

Dictionary with structured configuration. Variables should be converted and validated according to AVD eos_cli_config_gen schema first using pyavd.validate_structured_config.

add_md_toc bool

Add a table of contents for markdown headings.



Type Description

Device documentation in Markdown format.

Source code in python-avd/pyavd/
def get_device_doc(structured_config: dict, add_md_toc: bool = False) -> str:
    Render and return the device documentation using AVD eos_cli_config_gen templates.

        structured_config: Dictionary with structured configuration.
            Variables should be converted and validated according to AVD `eos_cli_config_gen` schema first using `pyavd.validate_structured_config`.
        add_md_toc: Add a table of contents for markdown headings.

        Device documentation in Markdown format.
    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    from .constants import JINJA2_DOCUMENTAITON_TEMPLATE
    from .j2filters import add_md_toc as filter_add_md_toc
    from .templater import Templar

    # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel

    templar = Templar()
    result: str = templar.render_template_from_file(JINJA2_DOCUMENTAITON_TEMPLATE, structured_config)
    if add_md_toc:
        return filter_add_md_toc(result, skip_lines=3)

    return result


Object containing result of data validation


Name Type Description
failed bool

True if data is not valid according to the schema. Otherwise False.

validation_errors list[AvdValidationError]

List of AvdValidationErrors containing schema violations.

deprecation_warnings list[AvdDeprecationWarning]

List of AvdDeprecationWarnings containing warning for deprecated inputs.

Source code in python-avd/pyavd/
class ValidationResult:
    Object containing result of data validation

        failed: True if data is not valid according to the schema. Otherwise False.
        validation_errors: List of AvdValidationErrors containing schema violations.
        deprecation_warnings: List of AvdDeprecationWarnings containing warning for deprecated inputs.

    failed: bool
    validation_errors: list[AvdValidationError]
    deprecation_warnings: list[AvdDeprecationWarning]

    def __init__(self, failed: bool, validation_errors: list = None, deprecation_warnings: list = None):
        self.failed = failed
        self.validation_errors = validation_errors or []
        self.deprecation_warnings = deprecation_warnings or []