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Semantic Versioning

The AVD project follows Semantic Versioning (SemVer).

This document describes which attributes and APIs are stable and follow SemVer and which ones may change between minor releases.

Ansible Collection (arista.avd)

All roles input variables follow SemVer. Any breaking changes will, at a minimum, be communicated with a deprecation notice in the previous release, except for the ones resulting from a bug fix that will be documented in the release notes. Keys will then be documented as removed in the next major release.


Roles Inputs Follow SemVer Outputs Follow SemVer Notes
eos_designs + eos_cli_config_gen
EOS CLI configuration
When leveraging eos_designs with eos_cli_config_gen, the resulting EOS CLI configuration generated from eos_cli_config_gen will be maintained, unless in rare cases when addressing a bug.
Structured configuration
eos_designs structured_configuration may change between minor releases.
Structured configuration can change to use new keys when keys are deprecated in the eos_cli_config_gen role.
Fabric documentation artifacts may change between minor releases.
Breaking changes to CSV output will be communicated in the release notes.
avd_switch_facts or switch.*
The switch.* and avd_switch_facts are internal datamodels used for sharing data between various stages of eos_designs. They should not be used in custom templates for interface descriptions or IP addressing, since they are subject to change without notice.
EOS configuration
EOS configuration generated by eos_cli_config_gen follows SemVer.
Breaking changes may occur in rare cases when addressing a bug.
Reordering of the CLI output may occur but without impacting the resulting configuration on EOS.
Device documentation artifacts may change during minor releases.
eos_config_deploy_cvp Structured configuration output may change during minor releases to accommodate changes in the ansible-cvp collection.
The resulting CloudVision configuration will be maintained, unless in rare cases, when addressing a bug.
Breaking changes will be communicated in the release notes.
cv_deploy The resulting CloudVision configuration will be maintained, unless in rare cases, when addressing a bug.
eos_validate_state The generated reports and other artifacts may change between minor releases.
Breaking changes to CSV outputs will be communicated in the release notes.
dhcp_provisioner Structured configuration output may change during minor releases to accommodate changes in the ansible-cvp collection.
The resulting DHCP configuration will be maintained, unless in rare cases, when addressing a bug.


Plugins Inputs Follow SemVer Outputs Follow SemVer Notes
Filter: add_md_toc
Filter: convert_dicts
Filter: decrypt
Filter: default
Filter: encrypt
Filter: generate_esi
Filter: generate_lacp_id
Filter: generate_route_target
Filter: hide_passwords
Filter: is_in_filter
Filter: list_compress
Filter: natural_sort
Filter: range_expand
Filter: snmp_hash
Filter: status_render
Action: batch_template
Action: configlet_build_config Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Action: cv_workflow The resulting CloudVision configuration will be maintained, unless in rare cases, when addressing a bug.
Action: eos_designs_facts Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Action: eos_designs_structured_config Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Action: eos_validate_state_reports Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Action: eos_validate_state_runner Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Action: inventory_to_container Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Action: set_vars
Action: validate_and_template Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Action: verify_requirements Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Action: yaml_templates_to_facts Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Action: _emit_warning Internal plugin, not intended for external use.
Test: contains
Test: defined
Test: global_vars


All functions input variables follow SemVer. Any breaking changes will, at a minimum, be communicated with a deprecation notice in the previous release, except for the ones resulting from a bug fix that will be documented in the release notes. Keys will then be documented as removed in the next major release.


Internal/undocumented code is not covered by SemVer. Changes may not be documented in release notes.

Functions Inputs Follow SemVer Outputs Follow SemVer Notes
get_avd_facts() avd_facts output may change between minor releases.
get_device_structured_config() structured_configuration may change between minor releases.
Structure config can change to use new keys when keys are deprecated in the get_device_config() function.
The resulting EOS CLI configuration generated from the get_device_config() function will be maintained, unless in rare cases when addressing a bug.
get_device_config() EOS CLI configuration generated from eos_cli_config_gen follows SemVer.
Breaking changes may occur in rare cases when addressing a bug.
Reordering of the CLI output may occur but without impacting the resulting configuration on EOS.
get_device_doc() Device documentation artifacts may change during minor releases.