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Always use the FQCN (Fully Qualified Collection Name) arista.avd.eos_designs_structured_config when using this plugin.

Generate AVD EOS Designs structured configuration


The `arista.avd.eos_designs_facts` module is an Ansible Action Plugin providing the following capabilities\:

- Validates input variables according to eos_designs schema - Generates structured configuration - Optionally run any custom jinja2 YAML templates and merge result onto structured configuration - Optionally run jinja2 templating the generated structured configuration - Optionally write structured configuration to a JSON or YAML file - Return structured configuration as "ansible_facts"


Argument Type Required Default Value Restrictions Description
eos_designs_custom_templates list False None List of dicts for Jinja2 templates to be run after generating the structured configuration
template str True None Template file.
options dict False None Template options
list_merge str False append Merge strategy for lists
strip_empty_keys bool False True Filter out keys from the generated output if value is null/none/undefined
Only applies to templates.
dest str False None Destination path. If set, the output facts will also be written to this path.
Autodetects data format based on file suffix. '.yml', '.yaml' -> YAML, default -> JSON
mode str False None File mode ex. 0664 for dest file. See 'ansible.builtin.copy' module for details.
template_output bool False None If true, the output data will be run through another jinja2 rendering before returning.
This is to resolve any input values with inline jinja using variables/facts set by the input templates.
conversion_mode str False debug Valid values:
- error
- warning
- info
- debug
- quiet
- disabled
Run data conversion in either "error", "warning", "info", "debug", "quiet" or "disabled" mode.
Conversion will perform type conversion of input variables as defined in the schema.
Conversion is intended to help the user to identify minor issues with the input data, while still allowing the data to be validated.
During conversion, messages will be generated with information about the hosts and keys which required conversion.
conversion_mode\:disabled means that conversion will not run.
conversion_mode\:error will produce error messages and fail the task.
conversion_mode\:warning will produce warning messages.
conversion_mode\:info will produce regular log messages.
conversion_mode\:debug will produce hidden messages viewable with -v.
conversion_mode\:quiet will not produce any messages.
validation_mode str False warning Valid values:
- error
- warning
- info
- debug
- disabled
Run validation in either "error", "warning", "info", "debug" or "disabled" mode.
Validation will validate the input variables according to the schema.
During validation, messages will be generated with information about the hosts and keys which failed validation.
validation_mode\:disabled means that validation will not run.
validation_mode\:error will produce error messages and fail the task.
validation_mode\:warning will produce warning messages.
validation_mode\:info will produce regular log messages.
validation_mode\:debug will produce hidden messages viewable with -v.
cprofile_file str False None Filename for storing cprofile data used to debug performance issues.
Running cprofile will slow down performance in it self, so only set this while troubleshooting.


- name: Generate device configuration in structured format
      - template: "custom_templates/custom_feature1.j2"
      - template: "custom_templates/custom_feature2.j2"
          list_merge: replace
          strip_empty_keys: false
  check_mode: no
  changed_when: False


  • Arista Ansible Team (@aristanetworks)