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Role configuration for eos_designs

Role configuration settings can be set either as regular inventory variables or directly as task_vars on the import_role task.

Role default output directories

Default output directories can be updated by modifying the default role variables:

# Roles Defaults - ouptput directories

# Root directory where to build output structure
root_dir: '{{ inventory_dir }}'

# Documentation folders
# Main documentation folder
documentation_dir_name: 'documentation'
documentation_dir: '{{ root_dir }}/{{ documentation_dir_name }}'

# Fabric documentation
fabric_dir_name: 'fabric'
fabric_dir: '{{ documentation_dir }}/{{ fabric_dir_name }}'

# AVD configurations output
# Main output directory
output_dir_name: 'intended'
output_dir: '{{ root_dir }}/{{ output_dir_name }}'

# Output for structured YAML files:
structured_dir_name: 'structured_configs'
structured_dir: '{{ output_dir }}/{{ structured_dir_name }}'


You might need the outputs generated by AVD in a different folder than inventory (the default). If updating root_dir, leverage a relative path from inventory_dir to ensure consistent behavior. Example: root_dir: '{{ inventory_dir}/../outputs'.

Input Variables Validation settings

Variable Type Required Default Value Restrictions Description
avd_data_conversion_mode String debug Valid Values:
- disabled
- error
- warning
- info
- debug
- quiet
Conversion Mode for AVD input data conversion.
Input data conversion will perform type conversion of input variables as defined in the schema.
The type conversion is intended to help the user to identify minor issues with the input data, while still allowing the data to be validated.
During conversion, messages will generated with information about the host(s) and key(s) which required conversion.
“disabled” means that conversion will not run - avoid this since conversion is also handling data deprecation and upgrade.
“error” will produce error messages and fail the task.
“warning” will produce warning messages.
“info” will produce regular log messages.
“debug” will produce hidden debug messages viewable with -v.
“quiet” will not produce any messages
avd_data_validation_mode String warning Valid Values:
- disabled
- error
- warning
- info
- debug
Validation Mode for AVD input data validation.
Input data validation will validate the input variables according to the schema.
During validation, messages will generated with information about the host(s) and key(s) which failed validation.
“disabled” means that validation will not run.
“error” will produce error messages and fail the task.
“warning” will produce warning messages.
“info” will produce regular log messages.
“debug” will produce hidden debug messages viewable with -v.
# Conversion Mode for AVD input data conversion.
# Input data conversion will perform type conversion of input variables as defined in the schema.
# The type conversion is intended to help the user to identify minor issues with the input data, while still allowing the data to be validated.
# During conversion, messages will generated with information about the host(s) and key(s) which required conversion.
# "disabled" means that conversion will not run - avoid this since conversion is also handling data deprecation and upgrade.
# "error" will produce error messages and fail the task.
# "warning" will produce warning messages.
# "info" will produce regular log messages.
# "debug" will produce hidden debug messages viewable with -v.
# "quiet" will not produce any messages
avd_data_conversion_mode: <str; "disabled" | "error" | "warning" | "info" | "debug" | "quiet"; default="debug">

# Validation Mode for AVD input data validation.
# Input data validation will validate the input variables according to the schema.
# During validation, messages will generated with information about the host(s) and key(s) which failed validation.
# "disabled" means that validation will not run.
# "error" will produce error messages and fail the task.
# "warning" will produce warning messages.
# "info" will produce regular log messages.
# "debug" will produce hidden debug messages viewable with -v.
avd_data_validation_mode: <str; "disabled" | "error" | "warning" | "info" | "debug"; default="warning">

Documentation output settings

The documentation_output settings can be leveraged to control documentation generation. This can be useful if for instance the project has thousands of endpoints, to be able to disable fabric-wide connected endpoints documentation.

Variable Type Required Default Value Restrictions Description
eos_designs_documentation Dictionary Control fabric documentation generation.
  connected_endpoints Boolean False Generate fabric-wide documentation for connected endpoints.
# Control fabric documentation generation.

  # Generate fabric-wide documentation for connected endpoints.
  connected_endpoints: <bool; default=False>

Custom Templates

Variable Type Required Default Value Restrictions Description
eos_designs_custom_templates List, items: Dictionary
  - template String Required Template file.
    options Dictionary Template options.
      list_merge String append_rp Merge strategy for lists.
      strip_empty_keys Boolean True Filter out keys from the generated output if value is null/none/undefined.

    # Template file.
  - template: <str; required>

    # Template options.

      # Merge strategy for lists.
      list_merge: <str; default="append_rp">

      # Filter out keys from the generated output if value is null/none/undefined.
      strip_empty_keys: <bool; default=True>